Do you have a spare bedroom? Are you willing to host refugees in your home? We need your help. Become a community host!

We are facing a housing crisis as a community and as a city. Refugee claimants are some of the hardest hit, as they often arrive without money, friends or family. We are beginning to see more families at our Centre and receiving phone calls every day from people with nowhere to sleep. The City’s shelter spaces (both refugee-specific and general homeless shelters) are at capacity.

These families have fled their homes; they have left war, violence, death threats, torture or other risks to their lives and come to Canada in search of safety only to arrive to no one to welcome them and nowhere to go. This is the heartbreaking truth of the situation we are finding ourselves in.

As a community, as a city, as a country, we have a responsibility to act in the service of welcoming newcomers, especially those who are most vulnerable – refugees who have come to Canada in search of safety and security. This is an opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of people seeking safety.

Responsibilities of a Community Host

  • Offer a spare bedroom or additional space to share with a single person or family
  • Abide by our non-discrimination policies
  • Optional: provide support such as food, toiletries, transportation, and settlement support

How to become a Community Host?

If you have extra space in your home and you are willing to offer it to a refugee or refugee family, apply to become a Community Host by filling out the following application form and email it to

We would love to know and keep your name on a list of people we might call on.

We can provide more information about the program upon your request. Please also consider sharing this with your various networks!


“Yes, our comfortable daily routine is upended. Yes, it’s hard to hear what people are fleeing (when they’re willing to share it). Yes, the grocery bill goes up (although families typically have some money and contribute to the larder). But a whole world opens up around the table. Smiles and tears are shared while everyone is in the kitchen getting the next meal ready. Friendships develop, and extend beyond the stay itself.”

Community Host, 2022

“We learn so much about culture and politics and friendship. We gained so much out of this experience and that’s something people should know. The benefits are so wonderful.” 

– Community Host, 2021

Church opens rectory to house refugees

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When the Rev. Gerlyn Henry heard about the housing crisis facing refugees in Toronto, She and her husband decided to become an “emergency host” providing a room for up to a week until the guest found a place in a shelter. Romero House arranged all the details for them. Find out more about this transformative experience. (Read more…)

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